You might have noticed a little lack of updates, and truthfully this review was supposed to be up about a week ago. My time playing GTA IV has been most addicting. Remember when I mentioned a while ago my obbession w/ RPGish games? This isn't quite as bad, but it's been taking up most of my free time with the running and shooting and robbing and... bowling.
Grand Theft Auto IV is an immersive, expansive experience. In between the driving, the shootouts, and the intrigue, it's almost too easy to not notice just how realistic your surroundings are. Looking at the whole of Liberty City from the air or from the highway, it's truly marvel just how detailed the environments are. Granted, it's a lot less populous than the real NYC, but it's still a good play to have some mayhem.
All that said, the action in the game is intense. While most missions consist of find guy, fight goons, kill guy, several missions are reenactments of famous movie scenes. The one that stands out the most is Three Leaf Clover, which is almost bullet for bullet a recreation of the robbery sequence from "Heat". It's a thrilling mission, and for me the highlight of the game so far.
While many critics are quick to heap massive amounts of deserved praise onto the game, GTA4 is not without flaws. It takes a good couple of hours to get to any missions where you shoot anything. It's a really slow start that almost turned me off of the game completely. Fortunately things picked up right when they needed to, and it's been a hell of a ride since. I'm almost done with the story missions, and after I'm done it's off to the various side missions. Driving is also a bit frustrating, especially with the cheap cars that handle like lawnmowers on an ice rink.
GTA4 is among the top three games for the 360, right up there with The Orange Box and Halo 3. I give it a 9/10, as it's pretty damn close to being perfect. Believe the hype, and take a trip to the LC.