Thursday, March 13, 2008


I've been playing Halo 3 for a while now, and I've been at 995 gamerscore for almost as long. The Overkill achievement has long eluded me, until tonight.

Now that I've gotten my Commander rating, I was back doing the Lone Wolves playlist. This also meant that I had another shot at the achievement. This particular match started OK, as I grabbed the shotty and got two quick kills. I then was killed by an invisible dude, respawned and found myself the shotty I'd dropped earlier. What ensued was by all accounts raep of a high order, as I used every round remaining to go on a 7 kill shotty spree culminating in finally getting my overkill. I'd like to thank the players in that game for unwittingly helping me out. I'd also like to thank that shotgun for not running out of ammo before that last kill, and I'd like to thank my wife for putting up with the hootin' and hollerin' that followed. :D