Sunday, March 10, 2013

Hot Streak

It's no secret that I'm a big fan of League of Legends, and lately it seems like I've been having a good run at it.  5 ranked wins, all playing support.  The above shot was the most recent effort, and I'm particularly proud of the not dying part.

The thing is, I'm really getting a handle of how to play support in LoL. Now I just need to figure out how to play top and ADC and I'm set.  :P

As well, thing went well in our gaming session last night.  I've mentioned Keyflower before, and I finally managed to pull out a win. YAY.  Also won Fresco.  Double YAY.

More on the point of Fresco, this was one of the first times I felt like the game was speaking to me.  I played game exactly as I wanted to, and ended up leading for most of the game, including the end where being in the lead is the most important.

Hopefully I don't crash and burn here.  Still, I'll enjoy the streak while it lasts.