Being a CEO strikes me as a pretty easy job. Sure there’s a lot of stress, but ultimately you’re just coming up with very general strategies to make your company more money. You come up with vague ideas based on the broadest of knowledge, and then hand it off to your lackeys to make it happen. Then you get paid tons of money if you’re successful, and if you fail you get a golden parachute and a good resume to take to Ladders for your next gig. It’s pretty simple.
Another easy job is teaching board gamers new games and using older more established games as examples. Take Homesteaders, a game about building civilization in the Old West. It’s a great game that transcended its theme, but more importantly it was described as “Vegas Showdown with a Western theme”. This made learning the game much more easily learned, and so we spent more time learning the finer points of the game, like its buying and selling system and other little bits.
Over all, the game is really cool. I’ll admit that the theme and art were a little off-putting, but as soon as we actually started playing everything came together and an awesome time was had. The game doesn’t take a terribly long time to play either, so that was very nice too. I can’t recommend this game enough, and I’m sorry that we didn’t try it sooner.
This weekend I hope to finish up Bioshock 2 and give RuneWars a try!
"...and I’m sorry that we didn’t try it sooner."
That'll teach you to ignore me. :P
I liked Homesteaders too. I ended up writing a review for it on the geek to try to help it get some more exposure, since it is by a new company and first-time designer.
You guys should take the time to rate it, so that it has enough votes to hit the top 100 sooner rather than later!
-Ryan (shroud)
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