Yes, we're back. Read the following review, and you'll get a reward!
Have you ever suffered through the beginning of a movie or book and were absolutely sure you were going to hate it, only to find it fun and rewarding in the end? Initially, the first game of Mecanisburgo that we played felt very much like that. By the middle of the very first round, I was bemoaning the terrible art, the hyroglyphic terminology, and the apparently needlessly complex mechanics of conflict resolution. FFFUUUUCK, I thought. This was going to be a grind.
Here's a little backstory: When we first saw Mecanisburgo sitting on our buddy's gaming shelf, it captured our imagination. "Cyber Velociraptors?!?! SIGN ME UP", was the reaction of several of our friends, including my neighbor Ryan. Despite the enthusiasm, finally took Ryan buying the game for himself for our group to finally give it a try.
Despite our vast collective board gaming experience, the game was difficult to initially wrap our heads around. Coupled with art that looked like it was straight out of middle school, we were not having a fun time. People were frustrated, murder was in our eyes and things looked like they were going south fast.
Never the less, we powered through the session and in the end we commented on how much fun the game actually ended up being. Granted some of the mechanics are complex for complexity's sake, but you're bound to get over it. Clearly this game is not for new board gamers in general, and even seasoned players could probably use a game or two to fully grasp the mechanics. Still, it made for a fun albeit long session. The game is highly expandable, and that should help the game's longevity.
Now for your reward, here's a Fark thread chock full of hot cosplayers.
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