Last year was a big year for me in the realm of conventions. 2 PAX's, an RvBTO, and a Fantastic Fest would be enough for most people. Truth be told, I didn't know what to expect from the last convention on my 2010 dance card. I'd heard from several reliable sources that it was awesome, and in November of 2010 I got my chance to see it in person.
They weren't lying.
BGG.CON was one of the friendliest, most accessible, and most awesome conventions I've ever been to. It's Dallas location made for an easy trip, and it's expansive game library is bigger than any other out there. There's also new games that publishers will preview or release right there at the convention. Add in hundreds of personable (and sometimes drunken) gamers and you've got pound for pound the best gaming weekend you can have.
It's not just the board games, although that is a huge draw. It's all the other events that go with the convention. It's the massively fun and nerve-wracking live game show. It's the ludicrous showmanship of the Battling Tops tournament. It's all this and the company of many awesome gamers.
Why am I talking about this now? Because I'm going back this year. BGG.CON 2011 is a go, and I'm looking forward to bringing a few more of my friends to the mayhem this time around. I'm registered, booking a room, and ready to rock.
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